© 1995-2024 | Anne Dawson
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Updated: Thurs 2nd March 2023, 16:07 PT


Intro to the Internet and WWW

[Go to CSCI120 - Python 3 Programming]

Topics in order of 
presentation in the CSCI165 course:

General Information 
Free Web Hosting (000webhost.com)
File Transfer to Web Server (FileZilla)
History of Computers and Programming
Numbering Systems
Multimedia (For reference only)
The Internet
Numbering Systems (Binary and Hexadecimal only)
SEO (For reference only)
Web Design
WWW (For reference only)
Python Programming
What you need to study for CSCI120 - Python 3 Programming
Internet Programming

General Information

Instructor's Website 

Free Web Hosting (000webhost.com)

To obtain access to a free web server:

File Transfer to Web Server (FileZilla)

Required secure file transfer software:

FileZilla Installation and Run Instructions (Linux and Windows) 
FileZilla Installation and Run Instructions (Linux and Windows) to Web Host
FileZilla Quick Instructions


Required WWW/Internet Textbook 
Required Python 3 Textbook: PDF document, size 1.1 MB (1,056,850 bytes)

History of Computers and Programming

History of Computers (for reference only) 

Multimedia (For reference only)

Colour Chart 
Web Graphics
GIMP Documentation / Help
Galloping horse animated gif
Walking man animated gif
Graphics File Formats
Image Compression
Graphics Freeware (scroll down on the left under "Graphics")
Multimedia Freeware (scroll down on the left under "Multimedia")

How to put Multimedia on The Internet - W3C - Approved Web Multimedia Tutorial

The Internet

What you need to study for the Internet: The Internet 
Chapters 1 and 2 (Required book)
What is my IP?


Search all coding resources

What you need to study for HTML 
HTML Tutorial


What you need to study for XHTML 
Chapter 3 Required Textbook
Introduction to XHTML
XHTML Tutorial
XHTML Version 1.0 Strict Template
XHTML 1.0 Strict Validation
XHTML Validation Tips (Mandatory Reading)
HTML Tidy Tool
Well-Formed XHTML
W3C Link Checker

Numbering Systems

What you need to study for Numbering Systems 
Numbering Systems


What you need to study for CSS 
Chapter 4 Required Textbook
Introduction to CSS
CSS Tutorial
W3C CSS Validation Service


HTML5 Tutorial
HTML5 Video Tutorial
HTML5 Validation
HTML5 Validation Tips (Mandatory Reading)
HTML5 Template

SEO (For reference only)


Web Design

What you need to study for Web Design: the following links...

W3C Quality Tips 
Responsive Web Design - Intro
Responsive Web Design - The Viewport
WC3 on Web Design (Reference material)

WWW (For reference only)

W3 Schools 

Internet Programming with JavaScript and PHP (CSCI165 only) 
Reference Material

Search all coding resources

Example PHP Scripts (i.e. PHP programs) 
What you need to study for Internet Programming: the following links... Chapters 5 and 8 Required Textbook
JavaScript Tutorial
JavaScript Tutorial - JS Basic Section - Topics for reference only (not on exam): Intro, How To, Where To, Statements. Comments, Variables, Operators, Comparisons, If...Else, Popup Boxes, Functions, For Loop, While Loop Introduction to PHP
PHP Tutorial
PHP Tutorial - PHP Basic Section - Topics to study: PHP Intro
PHP Syntax
PHP Variables
PHP Strings
PHP Operators
PHP if...else
PHP Looping - for
PHP Looping - while
PHP Functions
PHP Form Handling
php.net Tutorial - FOR REFERENCE ONLY
PHP / web programming tutorials - FOR REFERENCE ONLY
PHP / MySQL programming tutorial - FOR REFERENCE ONLY
PHP and HTML forms - Topics to study:
Chapters 5 and 8 Required Textbook 
HTML Forms
HTML Form Tag
HTML Input Tag
HTML <form> action attribute
HTML <form> method attribute
PHP and HTML Forms
Reference Material: Example PHP Scripts (i.e. PHP programs)
*** END OF CSCI165 ***

*** START OF CSCI120 ***

Programming Resources
for CSCI120 and CSCI165

Updated: Mon 27th Feb 2023, 15:21 PT

Search all coding resources

Study guide for CSCI120 Python 3 Programming:

CSCI120 Course Outline 
Introduction to Computer Science, Programming and Python 
Introduction to Python 3 Programming
Using IDLE (Python's IDE)
Python Comments
Python Programming Hint Sheet
Chapter 1
Introduction to Programming (Sections 1, 3, 4 and 6)
Chapter 2  Python variables, expressions and statements
Introduction to Programming (Sections 4, 7 and 8)
Python 3 Data Types and Processing
Python Operator Precedence
Python's + Operator
Python 3 Input
Python 3 Processing and Selection
The if statement
Chap 5.1 - 5.7
Introduction to Programming (Sections 5, and 9.1) Conditionals
Python 3 Repetition and String Formatting (htm)
Flowcharts, Python 3 code and code tracing
Python 3 Functions
Chap 3
/ Chap 6.1 - 6.4
[The following Python resources are NOT REQUIRED for course CSCI165.] The following Python resources are extra resources covered by course CSCI120 in the second half of the semester, i.e. after the midterm exam. Python Lists (example programs
07-01.py - 07-15.py) Lists
Chapter 10
Python Strings (example programs
08-01.py - 08-14.py) Strings
Chapter 8
Python Files (example programs
09-01.py - 09-05.py) Files and Exceptions
Chapter 14 (Ch14.1-Ch14.5)
Searching (example programs
10-01.py - 10-06.py) Searching
The following topics are for reference only:
Numbering Systems
Python 2.x Input
Problem Solving with Python 3
Classes (example programs
13-01.py - 13-05.py) Introduction to Classes Programming with Classes
Chapter 15 (Ch15.1-Ch15.5), Chapter 17
Sorting Sorting and Complexity
Computational Complexity
Analysis of Algorithms & Hash Tables - Textbook Appendix B
Recursion (example program
12-01.py) Intro to Recursion
Important notes on Python 2 and Python 3 - README!
Games For reference only - Making games in Python 3
For reference only - Learn Python by Building 5 Games

Python 3 Reference Material 

Python 3 Textbook: PDF document, size 1.1 MB (1,056,850 bytes)

Python 3 Tutorial: Free and no ads

Example Python 3 Programs 
Python 3 Videos 
W3Schools Python 3 Tutorial 
Introduction to Computer Science
Introduction to Programming
Using IDLE (Python's IDE)
Python 3 Installation
IDLE Editor
Python 3 Installation The Movie!
IDLE Editor The Movie!
Wiki page on IDLE
Create and run a Python Program
Python 3 Textbook: PDF document, size 1.1 MB (1,056,850 bytes) Think Python Website (Reference only)
Dive into Python 3 Reference Book for experienced programmers
Example Python 3 Programs 
Important notes on Python 2 and Python 3 - README!
Spacing and Indentation in Python programs - README!
IDLE's debugging tools
Python Help
For reference only - Making games in Python 3
For reference only - Plotting Graphs in Python 2 using PyLab
*** END OF CSCI120 ***