Creating HTML files with Notepad is easy:
First ensure the following Windows setting:
My Computer -> Tools -> Folder Options -> View -> "Hide extensions for known file types" is NOT selected
To create a new HTML file:
1. Start Notepad and from the "File" menu, select "Save As".
2. IMPORTANT: In the "Save as type:" box, select "All Files".
3. In the "File name:" box, type the name you want for your file, e.g. assignment1.html
***Do*** remember that your file name must end in .htm or .html
and ***don't*** include any spaces in the file name!
4. Select the correct drive and folder from the "Save in:" box.
5. Click on the Save button
6. Type in the HTML statements.
7. Every now and then select "Save" from the "File" menu
to make sure you file is safely saved.
To edit an existing html file:
1. Start Notepad and from the "File" menu, select "Open".
2. IMPORTANT: In the "Files of type:" box, select "All Files".
3. Browse to find your file, the click on its name to highlight it.
4. Click on the Open button
I recommend you download Editpad (see C4 resources) and use Editpad
instead of Notepad - it works better with html files.
You can view your HTML document by selecting "Open File" from the Firefox browser.
If you have not yet installed the Firefox browser at home,
you must do so as soon as possible because some HTML features simply
do not work in some versions of the Internet Explorer browser.
For the Firefox download - see the C4 resources under "Web Development"
A cut down version of the Firefox browser is available on all college computers.
Do NOT use Internet Explorer for this course.